Advisory Board

Advisory Board (BoA) plays a crucial role to oversee and guarantee a high-standard of organizational management, policy implementation, and fundraising. 

It comprises reputable professionals from various backgrounds such as institutional management, finance, business, media agency, etc. The membership in the BoA adopts a voluntary basis as each member is expected to bring their high qualifications to contribute to the support in building robust film communities in Cambodia. 

For the next three years (2024 to 2026), we are honored to welcome aboard the following figures:

1. Mr. CHY Sila – Chairman of the Board


2. Mr. Glenn ALA – Board Member in charge of Fundraising


3. Mr. OUM Vantharith – Board Member in charge of of Technical Affairs


4. Ms. LIM Raksmey – Board Member in charge of Finance


5. Ms. NOY Sophary – Board Member in charge of Legal Affairs